Scientific Seminar

On March 1-3, a scientific and technical seminar devoted to diagnostics and servicing of high voltage equipment was held at the Radium Hotel Nihil Novi.

Experts in the area discussed ZUT Energoaudyt, IRIS Power, Qualitrol, ORGREZ, Veski and TJ | H2b, as well as those responsible for the operation of these facilities in various energy companies.
During the seminar discussed such issues as: transformer failures; BHP during service work; Regeneration of transformer oil; Measurement and diagnostics of transformers; Thermal imaging studies; New DGA analyzers; Full range of on-line monitoring of generators. The last issue was specifically addressed to hydroelectric power plants.
The three-day meeting has gone through a very substantial but always friendly atmosphere.


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  • Seminarium naukowo-techniczne
    W dniach 6-8 września w hotelu Karo odbędzie się Konferencja ZUT-IRIS Generatory - Transformatory 2023.
    Written on Saturday, 01 July 2023 10:33